The Arriving Ordeal

The Harmattan billows above blotting out the sun, dust coalescing with diluted traces of the acrid garbage fires that warm the ditch beyond the potholed road and the wood smoke from the last trees of the plains burned to cook beans and rice and the occasional dried fish from desiccated and barren lakes. A black plastic bag escapes the flames, parasailing the harsh winds over the ten foot wall crowned with concertina wire to lodge itself on a carefully pruned pine tree. I walk the compound pulling my dog on her leash, imported beer in hand brewed in a place cold and clean and shipped in to be sold for more than the value of a day’s labor. Back and forth and back again in a restless, trying parade. She was a gift to my wife, my dog was, a tiny pretentious little thing, a historical memento from days when European nobles bred ornaments, not animals and when we looked into the future, not the past for the ideas of the “west”.

Outside the compound, gazing through the bullet-proof glass they sit, though we don’t know who they are. Young men, squatting in the dust or selling phone cards and mystery meat, eyes squinting through the grimness, that wary look of both predator and prey; watching, waiting, but for what? Who knows… We fear them, and we build our walls. This is Kabul; and Mogadishu. It is Bamako, Dakar and Abidjan. Accra and Abuja and Dhaka; Caracas and Lima and even these days parts of Phoenix and Chicago and Washington DC. Paris outside the ring; Molenbeek or Schaerbeek in Brussels. “I saw similar young men everywhere – hordes of them. They were like loose molecules in a very unstable social fluid, a fluid that was clearly on the verge of igniting…” Robert Kaplan evocatively writes.

SlumTwenty-five years, that’s how long ago Kaplan warned us of ‘The Coming Anarchy’. Not that we listened – hubris, which is something we are good at in the West. And why not? We won, the commies were crawling back into their holes; walls were falling down – a “New World Order” was upon us. It was “The End of History”, said Fukuyama. Except that it wasn’t. “While a minority of the human population will be, as Francis Fukuyama would put it, sufficiently sheltered so as to enter a ‘post-historical’ realm, living in cities and suburbs in which the environment has been mastered and ethnic animosities have been quelled by bourgeois prosperity, an increasingly large number of people will be stuck in history, living in shantytowns where attempts to rise above poverty, cultural dysfunction, and ethnic strife will be doomed by a lack of water to drink, soil to till, and space to survive in.”

Occasionally in West Africa, in Latin America I encounter somebody from the days before the anarchy. “I once went from Marrakesh to Timbuktu on a camel,” somebody told me. “I rode from Johannesburg to Cairo through Gulu and Juba on a matatu,” said another. “I hitchhiked from Lima to Bogota, then all the way to the Darien Gap.” Days when our ideas reigned supreme and we only had to wait till democracy and law met free markets empowered through education in an upward spiral to universal prosperity. But we don’t take warnings well – like the ones given to us by Kaplan while I was still in High School; before the anarchy came.

I have taken to watching apocalyptic, dystopian movies these days on Netflix. Some about alien invasions; others about the end of the world. “The 100” and “I Am Legend” – most recently it was “Elysium”; where the elites moved off-world, building a pristine station orbiting the overcrowded and degraded world; poor and violent and diseased. But “Elysium” is not science fiction, I know because I have lived there – though they are not orbiting the world. In Caracas, in Goma, in Kampala, in Islamabad they sit; hidden behind walls and concertina wire, broadband internet and bars and sparkling swimming pools while outside little girls walk for hours to fill their yellow jerry cans from the drying river or simply siphon off the cleaner looking water from the puddles that collect after a rainstorm.

Fragility and conflict. Those were the words for the post-cold war period, which is now over. Not democracy, not human rights or ‘world order’ – as we had hoped. It was in fact a world disorder we inherited, we who came after and which we have bequeathed to our own children. “During the 1960s, as is now clear, America began a slow but unmistakable process of transformation. The signs hardly need belaboring: racial polarity, educational dysfunction, social fragmentation of many and various kinds.”

But what comes now?

“Europe, at least in the way that we have known it, has begun to vanish. And with it, the West itself…” Again Robert Kaplan writes – bookending the post-cold war period he started, with another opus, ‘The Return of Marco Polo’s World’. “For a long time Europe was lucky in this regard: It could reject power politics and preach human rights precisely because tens of millions of Muslims nearby were being denied human rights, and with them the freedom of movement. But those Muslim prison-states have all but collapsed (either on their own or by outside interference), unleashing a tide of refugees into debt-ridden and economically stagnant European societies. Europe now fractures from within as reactionary populism becomes a relevant dynamic, and new borders go up throughout the continent to prevent the movement of Muslim refugees from one country to another. Meanwhile, Europe dissolves from without, as it is reunited with the destiny of Afro-Eurasia as a whole.”

We had twenty five years to avert the arriving ordeal. A quarter century; not very long, to be sure – but perhaps two generations. Yet we dallied. Europe and increasingly America (who tends to follow Europe despite Jefferson’s best advice) became ‘social democracies’, a soothing term meant to provide succor to people exhausted by two world wars – a welfare state sucking the oxygen out of the workers and their revolutions to stop the advance of ‘Underground Europe’. In the end she became bloated and bored; ever-mounting piles of debt justified by enthroned prophets telling the elites just what they wanted to hear. America too – and Japan.

The future belongs now not to the inhabitants of Elysium; but to the predators who roam the ungoverned spaces beyond. To join criminal networks, jihadi groups – to ride the perilous waters. To cross the barren deserts. Demographics – the fact that West Africa’s populations are doubling every fifteen years. Climate change? A word for parlor houses in Davos, not for the fishermen on Lake Chad where they think less of ‘carbon taxes’ and more about how far their daughters must walk over thug-infested hills to cut another tree for firewood to cook the fish they can no longer find in the barrenness of a once-great lake that has become empty.

What will the future generations do with the world we are giving them? Will they hijack the shuttle and storm Elysium – ravaging her out of rage and impotence (like they have done in Venezuela)? Will they once and for all reject the ideas that defined our years, our parents’ years? “Of course, the West as a civilizational concept has been in crisis for quite some time. The very obvious fact that courses in Western civilization are increasingly rare and controversial on most college campuses in the United States indicates the effect of multiculturalism in a world of intensified cosmopolitan interactions.” And as the West fades into history, like Rome or Greece did into the Dark Ages – preserved in that most perfect image of a priest reciting a dead language to the vacant stares of peasants starving and sick – I ask myself ‘What will the arriving ordeal look like for the world of my son, and grandson?” This will be the great discussion of the 21st Century.

About Joel D. Hirst

Joel D. Hirst is a novelist and a playwright. His most recently released work is "The Unraveling" -- a novel about how it all came apart. He has also written "An Excess of Nationalism", a novel about Soviet Armenia. "Dreams of the Defeated: A Play in Two Acts" is about a political prisoner in a dystopian regime. And "I, Charles, From the Camps" is the story of a young man from the African camps. "Lords of Misrule" is the an epic tale about the making and unmaking of a jihadist in the Sahara. Finally, Hirst has re-published his "San Porfirio" series into one volume "The Epic Tale of Revolutionary Venezuela", about the rise and fall of socialist Venezuela (with magic).
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62 Responses to The Arriving Ordeal

  1. T J Barnum says:

    Joel, I have though about this topic so often. Difficult to watch an entire world come apart at the seams. You have articulated it better than anyone I’ve ever known. We have created hell. And payment is fast becoming due.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you TJ, thats generous. Did you read through Kaplan’s whole articles (both of them)? They are long, but well worth the read. I’m gonna try again, wasn’t completely satisfied with this post – his two articles seem to be book-ends to the “post-communist” period, first one is “watch out cuz the madness is coming” and the second, 25 years later is “too late, its here”. Though what “it” is, nobody yet really knows.

      Liked by 3 people

      • fergusmason says:

        Oh, we know. The barbarians are inside the gates. And, like the tired and worn-out Western Roman Empire, we’re too afraid to throw our last legions against them because admitting that the enemy is on us is more frightening than quietly accepting defeat.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: RTWT: The Arriving Ordeal by Joel Hirst - American Digest

  3. Ted Bartlett says:

    Many American who have not been outside the country do not realize how prevalent poverty is. I’ve seen this same picture of shanty towns next to tall business buildings in several countries of Asia, Africa and North America. Abject poverty looking you right in the face. You want to give them something, but the best thing would be a job.

    My wife is Filipina, has an engineering degree and just as hard core conservative as me. One thing about the US that shocked her was that we would water our lawns with drinking water.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. tjbarnum says:

    If you want to see “3rd world” poverty in the United States, visit an Indian Reservation. It’s the closest thing I’ve seen to poverty in Asia. There are a lot of people telling us what’s coming, including you, Joel. Unfortunately, we seem incapable of listening, much less doing anything about it. I don’t mean to sound so pessimistic. Wish I had an answer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I’m from Arizona and so have seen many. Also, incidentally its the closest we have in the USA to pure socialism which is part of the problem (though of course not all of it). I’m reading “The Great Escape” by Angus Deaton about how humanity went from short to long lives and from poverty to prosperity (review forthcoming). My question for Deaton is “long compared to what, Noah lived for 800 years. And is our famed ‘prosperity’ built upon 200,000,000,000,000 in debt really prosperity or it is a big scam – a ponsy scheme – instead of “The Great Escape” should it be “The Great Charade”, of how humanity fooled itself for 50 years? I don’t know.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: 2017 – And America’s “Age of Misery” | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  6. Pingback: Dubai – And the Return of the City State | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  7. Pingback: “The Great Escape” by Angus Deaton – A Book Review | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  8. Ron Robertson says:

    Thank you.


  9. Pingback: Debt and Polarization – Then What?? | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  10. Pingback: Deenan and the Defense of Culture: on “Why Liberalism Failed” | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  11. Pingback: While Belshazzar Drinks | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  12. Pingback: Let's Review 92: What's Next? What Happens If Nothing Happens? - American Digest

  13. Pingback: The Arriving Ordeal | Western Rifle Shooters Association


    Mr. Hirst: Good article. I will take you to task on the movie: Elysium. It was a blatant anti-white, love-the-poor-wetbacks movie. Anything connected with the Jodie Foster-Matt Damon, Hillary-worshiping, Hollywood useful-idiot axis should be immediately suspect. Their millions are being used to reduce Deplorables like me to penury and serfdom, if not outright extermination due to my racial heritage.
    I was born and raised in SoCal. I saw the Marxist onslaught start in the LA Unified School District in the 1950’s. These Hollywood leftists aided and abetted busing, block-busting, and other leftist social engineering schemes. I really saw it during my 30-year tenure as a Peace Officer and Community College teacher. Josef Goebbels and Leini Riefenstahl(sp?) have nothing on these satanic propagandists.


  15. Shinmen Takezo says:

    The coming poverty in the USA is of our own making.

    We have spent several trillion dollars (all borrowed from China BTW) on wars in Irag and Afganistan and elsewhere which have brought us nothing… zip, zero benefits. We have spent ourselves into complete oblivion and continue to do so with zero gain.

    I look at Japan (which I recently visit once a year) and they too have spent themselves into oblivion but their major cites are beginning to resemble cities out of Star Trek. Though broke like the USA, these people have managed to gain something for their money.

    We spent hundreds of billions on a space shuttle (obsolete from it launch FYI) over nearly three decades and all it did was to be a play-toy for scientists in space performing the same experiments over and over again and to act as a rah-rah, sis-boom-bah, hurray Murica symbol for the mindless flag-wavers here. We wast hundreds of billions of dollars on a bloated, inefficient military which has managed to loose track of 1 trillion dollars in the last 2 decades… preparing for wars which will never happen and fighting wars only to protect the global :”dollar tyranny/ponzi system” which we impose on ourselves and the world.

    The Japanese on the other hand built a nation wide high-speed railway system that is privately run and turns massive profits–and all the other rail systems, bus lines, subways are also privately run and turn huge profits for its owners… unlike all the systems here in the USA which are run by government and none of which run profitably–all sucking in massive subsidies.

    Our major cities are filthy, crime ridden, graffiti scrawled, run corruptly by leftists shite-holes over-run with illegals and other turd-worlders who refuse to assimilate.. I can literally drop my wallet on the street in Japan and someone will pick it up and come running after me with it… or I will find it at the local police box with all of its content intact. Not so in America.

    America is on the verge of becoming a turd-world country. On the very edge.

    If you want to see poverty and despair veer off any interstate highway into any small town in this country on a weekend and take a look at the hollowed out, empty buildings that once housed businesses. Also stop at the numerous yard sales along the roads where people are selling their belongings to make an extra buck for food and so forth.

    This country has lost its way completely.

    President Trump is only a stop-gap before what is probably an inevitable implosion. He is attempting to stop the economic strip-mining that has victimized this country by the financial movers and shakers/global-corporations… but I don’t hold out much hope for success.


  16. Thomas Walker says:

    Saw a link from Matt Bracken, nice blog. Having spent the 1990s as a carpetbagger capitalist in Eastern Europe and the FSU, I saw many Balkan Ghosts and the places Kaplan covered. While he tends to romanticize the greatness/goodness of many of the low places and shattered peoples he does get most of the analysis correct. Tyranny, abuse of power, horror, and hatred are the standard of care for most of the world’s governments. Tyrants and their petty minions abuse their countrymen simply because they can, it shows they themselves are powerful and allows them to gather more resources for themselves. E.g. the tribal council leaders on most reservations live much better than the regular folks like all socialist societies. One question you might explore is how western elites are willfully encouraging the third world to overrun their own countries in order to rule over the entire globe….if all countries are third world shitholes, the elite can have their Elysium. There is a push-pull effect at work here.


  17. Pingback: “Ordinary Savior” – An Anthology of Stories From a War-Torn Land | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  18. Pingback: On 9/11 And Being American | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  19. Pingback: Where Have All The Readers Gone? | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  20. Pingback: Ours Are Not the Children of the Nobles | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  21. Pingback: “Defeating Dictators” – A Book Review | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  22. Pingback: Africa’s Consolation Philosophy | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  23. Pingback: “The Revolt of the Masses” – A Must Read | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  24. Pingback: 2019 – Our Year of Solutions! | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  25. Pingback: Robert D. Kaplan’s “In Europe’s Shadow” | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  26. Pingback: Pinker, Progressives, and Plastic in our Oceans | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  27. Pingback: A Green New Deal? – Part III | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  28. Pingback: On What Progress Might Look Like | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  29. Pingback: Our Coming Dystopia | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  30. Pingback: Marco Polo’s World – A Book Review | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  31. Pingback: The Limitlessness of our Discontent | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  32. Pingback: The Event Horizon of Africa | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  33. Pingback: Our Empty Planet | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  34. Pingback: Building On Our Amazing 2010s – A New Decade’s Resolution | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  35. Pingback: The Return of Pessimism | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  36. Reblogged this on Joel D. Hirst's Blog and commented:

    Our arriving ordeal is now upon us: “It was in fact a world disorder we inherited, we who came after and which we have bequeathed to our own children. “During the 1960s, as is now clear, America began a slow but unmistakable process of transformation. The signs hardly need belaboring: racial polarity, educational dysfunction, social fragmentation of many and various kinds.”

    But what comes now?

    “Europe, at least in the way that we have known it, has begun to vanish. And with it, the West itself…” Again Robert Kaplan writes – bookending the post-cold war period…”


  37. Pingback: War, Pandemic, and Depression | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  38. Pingback: Third-World-Ization | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  39. Pingback: His World Now | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  40. Pingback: Our Ending Age | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  41. Pam Lazos says:

    So many ills that will become exponentially worse. I worry about the water most. And the way we are so dismissive of nature as if she were here to do our bidding. But I’ve never lived in a war zone or walked for miles with a jerry can on my head so probably have no real idea of what I’m talking about. The problems of the day are not much in comparison, yet I can’t help thinking that if we end the extreme partisan divide we just may be able to get a finger it two in the dike. To say I’m terrified for my children is an understatement. If the people in power now had to live through some of the dystopian possibilities you write about, do you think they’d take it more seriously, maybe give a shit about more than just money? Short of that, I’ve no idea how to stop such an impending and precipitous fall.


  42. Pingback: I Should Be Writing My Armenia Book | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  43. Pingback: The Approaching Event | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  44. Pingback: Robert D. Kaplan’s “A Tragic Mind” | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  45. Pingback: The Pax Americana is Over | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  46. Pingback: Late-Stage Liberalism | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  47. Pingback: The Singularity or Homeostasis? | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

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