The Untold Story of Cuba

Have you ever seen a painting so beautiful that it stops your heart for a second; reds and greens and golds imprinted upon your essence for eternity? Do you ever listen to a song that is so remarkable that you play and replay and replay it until you’ve memorized every word, and it becomes a part of you? Do you ever read a line in a novel that is so profound that you have to close the book and set it down, to sit in silence for a moment – staring at the wall, letting it sink into your consciousness?

Have you ever encountered a moment of fullness so complete that you know you could die and it would not matter? Has your heart ever surged with such a sense of expectation and impatience at what is to come that it is hard to sleep, to eat? Did your adolescent passion ever lift you atop a majestic wave of emotion – and hold you there for a time in stasis in what you imagined was transcendence? Have you experienced epic moments of victory when you were the world’s master?

And have you agonized over a loss that is so total that you are sure you will never recover – a colossal failure that will mark you for eternity? Has the loss of something like a celebrated love wrenched a hole in your heart too deep to fill? And has a lost opportunity robbed you of words and even tears?

I have had all of these, as I imagine that you have as well – you who are reading this.

So now I ask you, would you give up any of it? Would you forfeit the chance of great opportunity to stay the hand of failure? Would you walk away from that beautiful woman in fear that she will not be yours; settling for something more secure – safer? Would you wish that the heavenly restaurant did not exist – to salve the ire of not being able to eat there? Would you smash the $1000 bottles of wine, knowing that you might never drink of them? Would you stop writing the novels of your choice, to assure that those you hated were burned? Would you stop the songs? The poems?

Would you end the celestial banquet of human existence because it is not your fate to taste of every dish?

Now, further still – would you have all these decisions made for you, and then be told it was for your own good?

Neither would I.

I said I would write no more about the death of a tyrant. I lied. Well, perhaps only changed my mind. Because I read something yesterday – something that nobody in Cuba would be able to read. “The greatest evil of the tyranny” it said “was the theft of six generations of life.”


Credit: Demented Old Woman In Cuba Blog.

Of life

Forget the gulags and the concentration camps and the firing squads. Those are the stories that made the papers at least – stories that were told. No – the most important part of this tragedy is not what happened, but what didn’t happen. The novels that were not written, stories of beach and mountain and freedom and loss; the beautiful paintings that did not come to be, which in turn did not inspire abounding love – the love of storybooks. The cuisine that was not refined; the businesses that did not provide for families; inventions that do not help humanity; diseases that were not cured.

The life that was not lived.

This – for me – is the greatest tragedy of all. We have this life at our fingertips, those of us from America. To a greater measure than others; but even those from Panama, or Chile, or Paraguay can see that which they wish to attain. They can uncork the $1000 bottle of wine and dream of the day they will sit in front of the sheer white tablecloth and drink deeply. They can read the novel, and imagine how they would make the stories unfold, improving them. They can look at the girl across their own malecon and imagine how they will win their fortune and then come for her.

None of these things have been imagined – for six generations – in Cuba.

For those of us who are writers, the unwritten story of Cuba is the saddest of all.


About Joel D. Hirst

Joel D. Hirst is a novelist and a playwright. His most recently released work is "The Unraveling" -- a novel about how it all came apart. He has also written "An Excess of Nationalism", a novel about Soviet Armenia. "Dreams of the Defeated: A Play in Two Acts" is about a political prisoner in a dystopian regime. And "I, Charles, From the Camps" is the story of a young man from the African camps. "Lords of Misrule" is the an epic tale about the making and unmaking of a jihadist in the Sahara. Finally, Hirst has re-published his "San Porfirio" series into one volume "The Epic Tale of Revolutionary Venezuela", about the rise and fall of socialist Venezuela (with magic).
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12 Responses to The Untold Story of Cuba

  1. Ricardo Chavira says:

    It’s not possible to write about the Castro dictatorship with any degree of intellectual honesty unless you take into account the crucial role the U.S. played in creating the conditions for his rise to power. No serious student of Cuban history will dispute that.


    • Its your fault too, Ricardo.


    • JohnTyler says:

      You are totally full of shit.
      Castro had absolute power and he could have followed the Canadian or Western European economic model. You know, economic models that work.

      But he was a die-hard Marxist-Leninist (with their absolute contempt for the masses) and like all commie butchers, his goal was total and absolute power and wealth for himself.

      It is only idiots that believe a communist gives a rat’s ass about “the people.”
      Communists hate the people; they believe in govt. of, by and for the elites and in that belief they are no different than the nobility and royalty of 19th century (and earlier) Europe..
      The Only purpose of the communist is to enrich his wallet and achieve absolute power.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Never Yet Melted » 57 Stolen Years

  3. pjlazos says:

    So poignant. So true.


  4. Red Flowers says:

    If you see the pictures of Cuba before Castro and view its economic strength before Hurricane Fidel hit, you see the real tragedy.- a beautiful, prospering country with a higher per capita income than France in the early 1950s and a strong cattle and sugar industry as well as tourism. Cuba could be a wealthy Costa Rica today. Instead it succumbed to the endemic hatred of white colonialism so prevalent in Latin America and to the false promises of Marxism that take root in such soil. The embargo was placed on Cuba for various legitimate reasons, including murder of US citizens, but it unfortunately gave Castro the excuse he needed for his failures after the Cold War ended and he got kicked off the USSR gravy train into financial destitution. Of course, this is the damage that communism always does and Venezuela is currently finding that out in spades. The Chavista insanity (where there is no embargo to blame, just crafty gringo devils who are dangerously buying oil) seems to be making LatAm countries wise up but not the rich idiots in Hollywood and the crazy lefty US press.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Cue Venezuela’s Ration Cards | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  6. Pingback: The Untold Stories of Maria Corina | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  7. Pingback: Our Tremendous Inequality | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

  8. Reblogged this on Joel D. Hirst's Blog and commented:

    “Do you ever listen to a song that is so remarkable that you play and replay and replay it until you’ve memorized every word, and it becomes a part of you? (…) Have you experienced epic moments of victory when you were the world’s master? And have you agonized over a loss that is so total that you are sure you will never recover – a colossal failure that will mark you for eternity? (…) Now would you sacrifice all this? Would you end the celestial banquet of human existence because it is not your fate to taste of every dish?”


  9. Pingback: True but Forbidden 50: We are Siamese if you don’t please…

  10. Pingback: The Commission On Unalienable Rights | Joel D. Hirst's Blog

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